
4 OCT 2023

Nurturing Employee Well-being This Winter: A Guide for HR

Winter’s chill might be settling in, but that doesn't mean employees' well-being should be left out in the cold. As HR professionals, it's our duty to ensure that our teams remain happy, healthy, and productive, even when the days get short and the temperatures drop.

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1. Winter & Mental Health:
Did you know that about 3% of the UK population is affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? This disorder is even more common during the winter months when sunlight is scarce. So, it's crucial for HR to spread awareness about SAD, helping employees identify its symptoms and introducing remedies like light therapy.

2. Embrace Flexibility:
Winter comes with its own set of challenges - unexpected snow days or the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Now's the time for HR to advocate for flexible work schedules, allowing employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

3. Get Moving Indoors:
Outdoor physical activities might take a dip during winter (by 7.5% to be precise!). But who says you can't break a sweat indoors? Organising sessions like yoga or meditation can help employees stay active and reduce stress.

4. Encourage Conversations:
Fostering open discussions about well-being is a game-changer. Workshops, support groups, or even casual coffee chats can make talking about mental health the norm.

5. De-Stress the Stress:
The holiday season, though festive, can be a stress magnet. Through HR platforms, like Activ People HR, ensure employees can easily schedule their holidays. Additionally, provide resources to help manage and reduce stress.

6. A Workplace Glow-Up:
Small tweaks in the office environment can uplift spirits. More natural light, comfy temperatures, and perhaps a couple of green friends (plants, of course!) can enhance the workplace atmosphere.

7. Celebrate & Recognise:
Boosting morale can be as simple as saying 'Thank You'. Recognising employees for their hard work can give them a much-needed dose of motivation, especially during the dreary winter months.

8. Mental Health Support:
Collaborate with professionals to offer mental health resources, be it workshops or counselling services. Show your team that the company truly values their mental well-being.

So, as winter unfolds, it's essential to use tools and strategies to keep an eye on employee well-being. Let's make the colder months not just about sipping hot cocoa but also about nurturing a vibrant and resilient workforce! Remember, a happy team is a productive team.