
17 MAY 2023

A great collaboration story to boost green skills in FE 🌱🤝

East Anglian colleges have put aside competition and joined forces to deliver a greener future.

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By working together, they're creating a positive impact on our environment and shaping a brighter future for students. 
The five FE colleges across Norfolk and Suffolk have been bucking that trend, working collaboratively on several recent projects - Suffolk New College, City College Norwich, West Suffolk College, East Coast College and the College of West Anglia.

By sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, these colleges are maximising their efforts and driving sustainable practices across the region. 

Together, they're tackling environmental challenges head-on, from reducing carbon emissions to implementing green initiatives.

High praise to these colleges for setting an example of how collaboration can make a real difference.

We're sure many colleges across the country will follow suit. Together, FE can build a greener and more sustainable world. 
Read the full article.